Clarkadark Round 2

October 18th, 2010 by PeterTheMeter No comments »

Back out to everyone’s favorite southeast city is a rad little edit by Custom PROduction’s Blake Loughran.  He’s got a bigger video in the works which should drop in a month or so.  In the mean time, satisfy yourself with this little goody.


October 1st, 2010 by PeterTheMeter No comments »

T.G.I.F. everyone. Hope you’re excited for a weekend full of home game ass kicking and skateboarding. Here are the events coming up. Hopefully you guys can make it up.  There’s mad events going on in Michigan this month.  Check out what’s going on out here.

This Sunday, 10/3, is slide school. Even if you don’t have slide gloves you should come anyways. If you want me to make you a pair I can do that too for $15 so just let me know.

Next Friday, 10/8, is the Garage Bomb Circuit #2. This is a race that takes place at multiple garages and will have a cash prize. Check it out:!/event.php?eid=121098551279124&ref=ts

Sunday, 10/10, is the CAMPUS CRUISE! I’m hoping that this will be one of the biggest events we do. I know that not every skater on campus is “in the club”, so if you see a skater tell them about this event. Let’s try to get everyone of all skill level out here.

And last but not least, we will be canceling our Sunday the 24th session for a road trip out to Grand Rapids for a Push Race/Poker Rally. This event is going to be really fun. Their scene is growing out there, but we all know our scene in mid-Michigan is way better so let’s show them how we do it!

Hit me back if you guys have any questions or anything. Talk to y’all soon!

Video – Midwest Steez

September 2nd, 2010 by Alex No comments »

A local rider has thrown together this great edit showcasing some of Michigan’s finest longboard talent (with clips of people who’ve travelled here to skate as well). If you like it, please vote for it in the Motion Boardshop contest. Enjoy! If you don’t see anything, toggle HD on/off


Mid West Steez from Custom PROductions on Vimeo.

ROCK TO RAPIDS 2010 – A Michigan Longboard Push Race

August 21st, 2010 by Alex No comments »

Original post on Bustinboards Blog

By Mike | August 6, 2010

MEET: 6:00PM, Wednesday September 1st


Wednesday, Setember 1st is the 1st Annual ROCK TO RAPIDS distance skate, hosted by Go Green Longboarding and Bustin Boards. The 13 mile distance push will start in the church parking lot at the northeast corner of The East Beltline and Rogue River Drive. The skate will be along the beltline to Michigan St and onward east. Click the link below for a detailed summary of the route. The trek will have A FEW CHECKPOINTS to spice up the ride. Watch the Bustin Blog for more details.

South East Michigan Board Meeting

May 18th, 2010 by Alex No comments »

The first S.E. Michigan Board Meeting was a great success. Riders enjoyed a cruise through Grosse Pointe, Michigan, and then gathered for a slide jam. One of the attendees was nice enough to put together this great edit, thanks Blake!

Southeast Michigan Board Meeting 2010 pt.1 from Custom PROductions on Vimeo.

Southeast Michigan Board Meeting 2010 pt.2 from Custom PROductions on Vimeo.